Give yourself permission to pause and rest to restore.
“A life without a quiet centre easily becomes delusional.”

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes”

“We don’t become more spiritual by becoming less human.”

“Be still and know that I am God.”
Are you working in the medical & emergency services, as a teacher, personal support work, social support services, or any front-line capacity?
We’d love to welcome you to retreat.
If you’re feeling frayed or fatigued and wanting to ground yourself in the love of God, this retreat is designed with you in mind.
Whether it’s your first time, or you’re coming back a second time to care for your soul, we’ve got brand new material, prayers and exercises.
Give yourself the gift of engaging in restorative prayer practices that help you centre yourself so you can “be still and know” . You’ll be in good company with frontline workers from all over Canada and, if you prefer, you can participate “anonymously” over Zoom with your screen-share off.
It’s your chance to just “be”.
This online retreat will be thoughtfully crafted to restore you, not exhaust you.
Who: This retreat is specifically crafted for those working on the front-line. The retreat will be using images and language from the Christian tradition, but those who do not identify as Christian are welcome to attend as well.
What: The retreat will be facilitated to help you slow down in body, mind, and spirit, so you can tune into the loving presence of God in a very particular and personal way. There will be words of encouragement, a variety of prayer practices, and an opportunity to join break out rooms with others, but only if you are interested in doing so.
This entire retreat experience is in service to your soul.
Retreat Host & Guide: This retreat is hosted by The New Leaf Network and will be facilitated by Christa Hesselink, former pastor and founder of
Christa is a certified spiritual director and coach and has been guiding individuals and groups for her entire twenty year career. She’s the Canadian best-selling author of Life’s Great Dare: Risking it All for the Abundant Life. Learn more about Christa here.
pre-retreat guide to support your experience
3-hour online Soul Care Retreat with leaders from across the country
post-retreat resources and support to help you ground in God for the season ahead