Singing in the Rain–the Art of Positive Thinking

February 3, 2023 - February 5, 2023
Feb 3-5, 2023
Niagara FallsON

The storms of life are constant.We all face adversity in our lives. How we react to it will determine our joy and happiness.

Positive thinking doesn’t mean that you ignore life’s stressors. Positive thinking means that you approach difficulties in a more optimistic and productive way.

Thinking often starts with self-talk. Self-talk can be positive or negative. Instead of getting swept up in negative thoughts, find ways to refocus your energy to develop positive thinking.Learn how to make your thinking constructive rather than destructive.

We live in a world of thoughts. It is the quality of our thoughts that creates the quality of our life.“You are what you think.”

Optional –Includes individual session with Anna