“Seek Peace and Pursue It:” A Weekend Retreat on the Psalms of Peace, Justice and Creation
John Dear

Who among you loves life? Keep your tongue from evil, your lips from speaking lies.
Turn from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it. (Ps. 34:13-15)
Join longtime peace activist, author and retreat leader Rev. John Dear for a weekend of prayer, peace and meditation on the psalms, focusing on their call for peace, justice and celebration of creation. Together, we will read through many of the psalms, pray over them, discuss them, and let them lead us closer to the God of peace, as we struggle with the divisions, hatreds and wars of the world, and our own brokenness and longings. We will have time for presentations, small group reflection, large group discussion, quiet time, journaling, a Saturday evening party and a Sunday closing liturgy. Bring your favorite psalms to share with the group, and together, let’s spend the weekend with these ancient prayers and the God of peace.
Rev. John Dear is an internationally known, Nobel prize nominated, voice for peace and nonviolence. He is the author of over 35 books including They Will Inherit the Earth; The Beatitudes of Peace; Living Peace; The Nonviolent Life; Jesus the Rebel; Transfiguration; Thomas Merton Peacemaker; The Questions of Jesus; and Walking the Way. He works with www.paceebene.org. See: www.johndear.org
Cost $435 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition