Returning Home: A Men’s Courage & Renewal® Retreat
Dan Hines and Fred Monteith

This active and reflective experience is open to men of all ages.
Return is a fact of nature and can be seen all around us. The human journey is also a natural process of return. We come into the world as whole human beings. Over the years, we begin to experience a growing separation of who we are from what we do.
In large group, small group, and solitary settings, returning to ourselves is explored, using the personal stories of men, our own experiences, poetry, and stories from wisdom traditions.
The Circle of Trust® Approach creates a trustworthy circle in which we can listen to each other with courage and compassion. Within quiet and safe spaces, the voice of the inner teacher can be heard: a voice that invites us to return to ourselves.
The setting at Kirkridge invites us to rest, hike, contemplate and converse: an exploration of solitude in community.
Dan Hines is a Courage & Renewal® Facilitator prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal. He serves as a leadership consultant for business, educational, and religious professional groups and organizations. He is a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada and lives in an intentional community in British Columbia, Canada.
Fred Monteith is a Courage & Renewal® facilitator prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal. He served for fifteen years on the staff of Hamilton Conference of the United Church of Canada as Minister of Congregational Support and Executive Secretary. Fred has many years of experience and training in group processes and facilitation.
Cost $465 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition