Prosopon School of Iconology Icon-Writing Workshop
Led By: Tatiana & Dmitri Berestov
Fee: for new students: $1175 (Deposit: $100)
October 23- October 28, 2018
The Prosopon School of Iconology will conduct a six-day intensive workshop, its first at Holy Cross Monastery. The Prosopon School was founded by Vladislav Andrejev and has introduced thousands of students to the ancient Christian art of iconography. First-time Prosopon School students will complete an icon of the Archangel Michael using traditional methods and natural materials rich with symbolic meaning: carved wood boards prepared with gesso made from chalk, marble dust, and glue; finely ground red clay, pure gold leaf, and ground mineral pigments in an emulsion made from egg yolk. In addition to step-by-step instructions, students will be introduced to the underlying theology of the icon, as each technical step has a corresponding symbolic meaning. Continuing Prosopon students will be assigned an icon appropriate to their experience. Limited to 16 participants
Previous artistic experience is helpful but not necessary as iconography is as much a form of contemplative prayer as an artistic endeavor. The fee includes tuition, all materials, room and board. The fee for continuing students will vary depending on the size of the assigned icon. For more information about the Prosopon School, see www.prosoponschool.org. For more information about the workshop contact workshop coordinator Maureen McCormick [email protected] (preferred) or 609- 462 -0975 (days).