April 7, 2014 - June 2, 2014
, CA
Mon, Apr 7, 2014 to Mon, Jun 2, 2014
The Rev. Dr. Scott Sinclair
Registration Deadline: Fri, Apr 4, 2014
CEUs: 2
This course surveys Paul’s Letters as pastoral responses to situations in congregations of his own time. Since, many of these situations resemble situations today, the lectures will invite students to reflect on what is still relevant in Paul and what is no longer applicable two thousand years later.

Scott Sinclair is an Episcopal Priest with a doctorate in biblical studies with an emphasis on New Testament and has written a number of books. He teaches at Dominican University in San Rafael and at the School for Deacons at CDSP. He is especially interested in Christology and in healing prayer.
Price | Rate | Rate Expires | |
Standard Rate
Early Rate
Fri, Mar 21, 2014
AED Rate