Ottawa School of Theology & Spirituality Winter Term 2016

January 11, 2016 - March 21, 2016

Ottawa School of Theology & Spirituality

Winter Term 2016

First hour 7:30 – 8:20 pm

Course G: Are You Becoming a Mystic? “Come and See” (John 1:39)
Fr Louis Roy O.P., professor at the Dominican University College

This course will offer a comparison between theistic mysticism, which is interpersonal (Jewish, Christian and Muslim) and pantheistic mysticism, which is impersonal (some traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism), with Nishtani’s and Roy’s attempts to show their complementarity.

Course H: Celebration and Commemoration in Judaism
Rabbis Bulka, Blum, Finkelstein et al
The topics, ten in all, comprise the following: Rosh HaSahanah (New Year); Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement); Sukkot (Tabernacles); Shemini Atzeret – Simhat Torah;  Hanukkah; Purim; Passover; Shavuot (Pentecost); The Fasts; and the New Kids on the Block

Course I: Women and Islam; Myths and Reality
Dr Monia Mazigh, lecturer at Carleton University

This lecture series is an introduction to contemporary issues related to women in Islam. We will focus on historical, social, media and political representations of Muslim women. We will emphasize the heterogeneity of “Women” and of “Islam.” Participants will be introduced to several fiction works and non-fiction works by some of the most known contemporary Muslim women writers.

Second hour 8:40 – 9:30 pm

Course J: The Bahá’í Faith: Creating an Ever-advancing Civilization
Mark Keedwell, MA, OCT, Professor at Algonquin College

This course explores the history, teachings, and writings of the youngest of the world’s religions. We will address questions such as “What is the relationship between the Bahá’í Faith and Islám?”, “How does the Faith view its predecessors such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islám?”, “What is the Bahá’í conception of God?” and “What are the main social teachings and laws of the Bahá’í Faith?”

Course K: History of Black Gospel Music
Rev Ernie Cox

Ernie Cox will be telling us the story of how the particular style of music now known as Black Gospel music developed from slave music to spirituals, blues, church black gospel, etc. within and outside of the Baptist tradition. Invited musicians and special guests will be an integral part of this course.

Course L: Explorations of the Journey at the End of Life
Robert F. Nelson, MD, past president of the OSTS

This course will be an opportunity to explore our feelings about issues and the reality we face at the end of life. The format will be a brief introduction to the topics with time given for open expression of ideas, beliefs and concerns. Several invited lecturers will provide information in their areas of expertise. Topics include: Life, Death, Life After Death; Suicide; Palliative Care; Assisted Suicide/Assisting Death; and Moral and Religious Aspects of the End of Life.

Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Courses  |  Women/Theology