Narrative Lectionary Workdays—September 2015 through Christmas: The Gospel of Mark

June 2, 2015
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul MN 55108St. Paul MN


June 2, 2015     Narrative Lectionary Workdays—September 2015 through Christmas: The Gospel of Mark (not a webcast)


From September 2015 through Christmas, the Narrative Lectionary will take a romping tour through the Old Testament. The workdays are designed for those using the Narrative Lectionary this year.

Sessions Include:

  • An introduction to the unique Old Testament texts assigned for fall 2015
  • An overview of the 2015-2016 Narrative Lectionary
  • Presentations covering weekly texts from September 2015 through Christmas
  • Preaching narrative texts
  • Resources for the Narrative Lectionary

Those new to the Narrative lectionary are encouraged to register for this class; you will be provided with a link to videos introducing the Narrative Lectionary and preaching narrative texts.

Tuition: $50

Contact Hours: 5

Class Times: 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Seminar Leaders:

  • Rolf Jacobson, Associate Professor of Old Testament, Luther Seminary
  • Craig Koester, Interim Academic Dean, Asher O. and Carrie Nasby Professor of New Testament, Luther Seminary


Register Online Now!

Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Preaching  |  Workshops