Kay Stewart

Navigating the landscape of physical, mental, and spiritual health is challenging. This retreat will explore mindfulness and contemplative practice as a foundation for sustainable health and wholeness. You will be invited to explore mindful self-care as a pathway to well-being, caring connection, courage, and stress-resilience. Activities will include: mindfulness meditation, gentle mindful movement, poetic inquiry, deep listening in solitude and community, and time spent in nature.
Kay Stewart, M.Ed., completed her graduate studies in Mindfulness and Contemplative Education in May, 2013. For more than 26 years, Kay served on the faculty in the Department of Health and Physical Education at Emory University. Her passion for cultivating health and well-being in individuals and communities began in 1979 after losing both parents to chronic disease early in their life.
Cost $425 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition.
– See more at: http://www.kirkridge.org/index.cfm?e=event&eventId=21582&rDate=4/29/2016#sthash.RQIPnIRw.dpuf