In this course, students examine several unique characteristics and roles of non-profit organizations, including urban agencies, NGOs, churches and community-based organizations. Core issues and practices pertaining to the effective management and leadership of non-profit organizations within diverse contexts will be explored.
Students in this course will focus on six significant capacity areas of non-profit management and leadership: Strategy, Human Resources, Financial Stewardship, Resource Development, Program, and Team Leadership. The course begins with an assignment of individual reading and book reviews, and includes an assignment with each student’s articulation of a 3-year Organizational Development Plan, and culminates with a research paper.
Guided by the instructor, students engage in scholarly research into several key topics critical to effective leadership of non-profit organizations. These theoretical discussions link directly to their practical application in achieving an organization’s mission and mandate. Students also reflect on their own personal journey in non-profit work, developing the own applied philosophy of Christian leadership, within a team context.
Last date to add the class April 30, 2021
Last date to drop without academic penalty and to be eligible for full tuition refund is May 21, 2021