Making Disciples of Jesus: A Training Day (Classroom and Online)

February 8, 2020 - February 8, 2020
Saturday, 8th February, 2020 - 9.30 AM to 3PM
$50: Per individual or per connection . $25: Per connection for members of the college Corporation OR for second or subsequent person who attends in person from the same congregation. Deadline for registrations: Monday, February 3. Registrations received after this date will be charged a late fee of $20

Making Disciples of Jesus: A Training Day

Studying the Bible builds a culture of discipleship, promotes greater engagement with the Christian faith, and offers leadership roles to lay members of congregations. But many people feel poorly equipped to lead a Bible study.

This training day held jointly online and in person gives participants the tools and curriculum to lead a Bible study on the Gospel of Matthew.


The Rev. Dr. Hilary Bogert-Winkler

The Rev. Dr. Hilary Bogert-Winkler is the new Director of Pastoral Studies at Montreal Dio. Hilary has a decade’s worth of experience as a priest in both parish and youth ministry. She has recently completed a doctorate at the University of Connecticut. She brings to this course a deep love of the Bible and a desire to bring it to life for Christian groups everywhere.