Oct 2,2015 – Oct 4,2015 Time: 7:00 pm – 12:00 pm
This course is an introduction to major traditions in World Religions, with a focus on the nature and development of religions. We will examine what a religion is, and consider some of the ways that religions function in society. We will investigate healthy and unhealthy ways in which religions interact, with special consideration given to the role of syncretism (the act of mixing religions). The roots and growth of Western secularism will be major themes of discussion. The ultimate goal of the course is that students become aware of helpful strategies for living in a multifaith world. Registration Deadline is September 18, 2015.
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LocationChrist Lutheran Church
2091 Gordon Drive
Kelowna, V1Y 3J2
2091 Gordon Drive
Kelowna, V1Y 3J2
Event Fees:KSM Course – Lutheran Theology and Identity (O103 002) CAD 250.00
KSM Course – Lutheran Theology and Identity – AUDIT ONLY – NO MEALS CAD 99.00
KSM Course – Lutheran Theology and Identity – AUDIT ONLY-WITH MEALS CAD 199.00