In your light, we see light.
– Psalm 36:10
“As the divine light grows brighter,
it reveals what it contains, that is, divine life;
and divine life reveals that the Ultimate Reality is love.”
— Thomas Keating, Mystery of Christ
This Advent e-course is a contemplative engagement with Scripture, art and music, as well as the teachings of Fr. Thomas Keating and other mystical writers to explore the great themes of the season that inform and enrich the contemplative life:
- Wisdom
- Light
- Unity
- Beauty
- Incarnation
This e-course is about devotion and practice to enter the liminal depths of the season. We will practice Lectio Divina — quiet, receptive reflection using various texts — as well as Visio Divina with art images and Musica Divina with various musical selections. These practices awaken all of senses and being, inviting inner stillness and fostering deep listening for how the Spirit is speaking and moving in our personal experience and journey.
The retreat content will unfold as follows:
– Friday emails will introduce a theme and include liturgical reflections and a video teaching from Fr. Thomas Keating on some aspect of “Mary the Mother of God” as the model of consent from an ecumenical, contemplative perspective.
– Monday emails will expand the theme presented on Friday with further liturgical reflections, contemplative voices and a segment of music for practicing Musica Divina.
– Wednesday emails will offer a Mary/Mother-themed image for practicing Visio Divina.
Content and community will come alive as we witness and share our reflections and experiences in the online Practice Circle. There will also be three Zoom prayer groups for practicing and sharing together:
– Mondays 7pm Eastern Time (6pm Central, 5pm Mountain, 4pm Pacific) – Lectio Divina
– Wednesdays 9am Eastern Time (8am Central, 7am Mountain, 6am Pacific) – Musica Divina
– Fridays 9am Eastern Time (8am Central, 7am Mountain, 6am Pacific) – Visio Divina
This retreat will be led by Contemplative Outreach retreat leaders Pamela Begeman, Julie Saad and Mark Dannenfelser.