Level 1 Basic Skills Coach Training

September 14, 2021 - November 2, 2021
12-2 PM Central:  September 14, 21, 28, October 5, 12, 19, 26, and November 2
Offered by Luther Seminary
Get access to the full course for $375USD. Eight live webcasts (16 contact hours) Recordings of course sessions Experiments and assignments to try in context A safe space to connect, discuss, and share
St. PaulMN

Are you feeling a pull to coaching?

Coaching can help leaders clarify vision, get unstuck, and live more fully into their God-given potential in all areas of life.  Coaching focuses on the principles of accompaniment and empowering the individual to discover their own potential and take ownership of living into this vision.

Level One Basic Skills Coach Training will give you 20 hours of coach-specific training (continuing education hours recognized by the International Coaching Federation and usable toward a professional credential with the ICF) and a beginning set of skills to use in coaching others in the work of ministry, leadership development, and life transformation.

What You’ll Gain

  • Methods—like powerful questioning and affirming language—that empower and equip the people you’re coaching
  • Skills for helping people discern where they are, where God is calling them, and the steps they will need to take to get there
  • Real-life coaching practice within your cohort


This course will help you equip and empower others. You will gain skills to use in coaching others in the work of ministry, leadership development, and life transformation.

What to Expect

Join us on these dates from 12-2 PM Central:  

September 14, 21, 28, October 5, 12, 19, 26, and November 2

  •  Sessions (1-4):

    An Introduction, Some New Skills, and What Coaching Can Look Like

    Your first four weeks of Level 1 Basic Skills Coach Training will be an intense deep dive that helps you properly define coaching, learn the initial skills required to empower your clients, and allow you to see the pieces come together within helpful demonstrations. Everything that follows in the next four sessions will be built on the knowledge you gain here.

  • Sessions (5-8):

    Practice Means Progress and Developing More New Skills

    In this last month of training, you’ll be given numerous opportunities to practice the skills you’ve been learning—from how active listening changes the direction of hard conversations to the role honest questions plays in your client’s growth. New skills will also be developed during this time, as you envision what the practice of coaching will look like for you and the people around you. (Please note attendance for session 5 and session 8 are mandatory.)

Meet the Trainers

Rev. Dr. Don Eisenhauer
Don Eisenhauer is a Master Certified Coach, accredited by the International Coach Federation. He is the founder and president of Coaching at End of Life, LLC (coachingatendoflife.com), providing life and end of life training, resources, and coach certification. In addition to doing life and end of life coaching, Don served for 19 years as a Hospice Chaplain and Bereavement Coordinator for two hospices in Pennsylvania.

RevSonja Ware
Sonja Ware is an ELCA pastor in the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod, currently serving a small urban congregation in Reading PA. She grew up in Germany and has been living in the US for 16 years.

Sonja Ware is an ACC certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, a Coach Trainer for the ELCA, and an ELCA certified Level 1 and Level 2 Coach (Discipleship / Mission Developer; Congregational Vitality) with additional training in Psychodynamic Theory and Intentional Interim Ministry. She has experience in coaching individuals as well as groups.

How it Works

Join your trainer and an engaged learning cohort of faith leaders live and online!

  • Participate in eight two-hour webcast sessions

    Join us Tuesdays from September 14 to November  (from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM CDT) as we work through the complexities of coaching together and in groups.

  • Discuss your experience within a safe context

    Throughout the course, breakout sessions will allow chances to discuss and apply what you’re learning with people with the same questions, fears, and hopes as you.

  • Develop Meaningful Connections

    Coaching can be heavy work sometimes. That’s why it’s important to have people to turn to who understand the issues you’re facing. This course will allow you to build those relationships.