Online Course
September 19 – November 7, 2016
Course fees:
$220 Standard Rate
$195 Partner Rate
Let Us Pray: Introduction to the Book of Common Prayer
If you wander into almost any Episcopal church and pull a Prayer Book out of the pew rack, you might notice a band of dark-edged pages between pages 300 and 400. Baptism and Eucharist are the center and most used part of the Prayer Book, but it is so much more—even the parts that are seemingly never used. This course will explore the ECUSA 1979 Book of Common Prayer as a model for spiritual life, as a theological source, and as a container for corporate memory. As we survey, we’ll also get a sense of its breadth as a liturgical source for personal and parish life.
Course projects will blend the historical/liturgical learning about the Prayer Book and its development with application in the life of your worshiping community.
Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Walter Knowles
The Rev. Dr. Walter Knowles lives in Seattle, WA and studies, writes and teaches in the intersection of the arts (particularly music), history, and liturgy. He earned his Ph.D. in Liturgical Studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA in 2009. Please see his web site at