Throughout the Old and New Testaments, people have turned to God for hope when they were anxious or disquieted (Psalm 42:11). Today, we live in disquieting times. As pastors, church leaders, and congregations, we may feel a vague sense of guilt over our inability to right wrongs of the past. We may also be disquieted by apprehension that we won’t adequately address problems ahead of us.

When we probe the sources of our anxieties, and allow ourselves to be re-formed by the God of hope (Romans 15:13b), we will discover hope-filled responses to the anxious disquiet of our age.
On February 5 and 6, renew 2024 will help pastors and church leaders lead with hope in these anxious times. The conference will provide theological thinking about what the scriptures show about God’s ways of hope. As well, the conference will invite leaders of diverse Christian ministries to tell how they address complex issues with hopeful reliance on God, instead of with drivenness fueled by guilt and fear. Worship, storytelling, and fellowship will also be part of renew 2024.
In the coming months, watch this webpage for more conference details (click here for a longer description of the theme). If you have topics or speakers to recommend to the planning committee, contact Andrew Dyck, at adyck
May God strengthen us for non-anxious ministries of hope.