How does scripture shape our imagination to see the world differently and what does this mean for preaching? Too often preachers get trapped in a documentary or moral or laissez faire reading of the bible, which leads to informational, imperative or status quo preaching. What if we engaged with scripture more playfully, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, and allowed it to reconfigure the world, the context we see? What if preaching is not principally announcing the results of biblical excavation, telling people to shape up and fly right, or accommodating gospel possibility to the context as it is delivered by social scientific analysis? What if preaching is announcing the new creation that God brings and is bringing in Christ and living toward that world in the power of the Holy Spirit? Can you imagine that!
About the Instructor:
The Rev. Dr. Richard Topping is principal of the Vancouver School of Theology. He is the author of Revelation, Scripture and Church, which explores biblical hermeneutics for preaching; and editor of Calvin@500, a volume on the theology, history, preaching and pastoral practice of John Calvin.
$150: Continuing Education
$220: academic credit as a “Focus on Practice”
Fees include lunch on Friday & Saturday
This non-credit workshop is open to all interested people, lay or ordained. The college can also prepare certificates of attendance for those who need continuing education credit.
Registration: For more information or to register for this workshop, please contact the college: [email protected] or 514.849.3004 x221.