Icon Writing with Teresa Harrison
November 15, 2015 – November 21, 2015
Join renowned instructor Teresa Harrison for a course in the ancient technique of icon writing. This process inspires prayerful meditation, both while creating the art and reflecting on the finished piece. Participants will focus on their art while listening to Gregorian chant and harp music, praying with icons, enjoying silent time, taking part in lively group discussions and attending daily Eucharist.
Beginners and experienced iconographers will find this course rewarding. Choice of icons includes The Virgin of Vladimir, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and St. George and the Dragon. Limited to 30 participants.
About the instructor
Teresa Harrison of Coronado, CA, returns for her thirteenth year of teaching icon writing at Kanuga. She is a lifelong Episcopalian who has studied with master iconographers Phillip Zimmerman and Ksenia Pokrovsky. Her work has been published in The Living Church and Anglican Episcopal World. In addition to Kanuga, she has taught at churches and retreat centers in CA, SC, TN, IL, FL, NY, PA, TX and Cuba.
Additional staff
CHAPLAIN: The Rev. Anne Bridgers is a native Southerner who received her Master of Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary in 1998. She served parishes in AL, FL and PA before relocating to Christ Church in Coronado, CA. In doing so, she is following in the footsteps of Teresa Harrison’s husband, Edward, who just retired. She has been Teresa’s friend and fellow artist for a number of years.
MUSICIAN: Alan Heath returns with his harp to provide beautiful and peaceful music throughout the retreat. Watch a short video of Alan from last year.