History of Religion in America

July 3, 2023 - July 7, 2023
Jul 3–Jul 7, 2023; Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri; 8:30AM–11:30AM Vancouver Time
Offered by Regent College
$520 per credit hour and  $385 per audit hour, plus $20 per credit or audit hour for online access and a flat $35 registration fee.

Christianity has been intertwined with American history, culture, and politics since the first arrival of European explorers. The close connection between faith and culture has been a double-edged sword, alternately supporting and inhibiting the growth of a vibrant and faithful church. Join us as we discuss the many ups and occasional downs of Christianity’s sojourn in American history, examining key ideas, persons, movements, and institutions from the 16th century to the present day. No background knowledge of American history is necessary; all you need is a desire to learn more about the religious culture of Canada’s southern neighbour.

Format Onsite/Online
Credit Hours 1–2
Audit Hours 1