Heaven of the Heart: Creating a Space for Sacred Imagination

October 20, 2014 - October 25, 2014


Dates: Oct 20, 2014 – Oct 25, 2014

Instructor(s): Chuck Hoffman, Peg Carlson-Hoffman

Price: $385.00 Workshop ID: G14S1041C


What connects our spirituality, creativity and living out our vocation? How might an intentional engagement with our creativity and our spirituality increase our to lead and live as people of faith? In this workshop you will push back the boundaries of familiar distractions and enter a Sabbath time in which to explore the intersection between creativity, spirituality and creative leadership. Using hands-on exercises, personal reflection and imagination, see how your creativity can form sacred community.

Arrival (Monday afternoon) and Departure (Saturday morning) have been established so that those in ministry can leave/return in time for their weekly Worship responsibilities. Some segments will involve the full group (plenaries – processing – Worship). Participants will also choose one focus class where they will receive approximately 20 hours of instruction/ experience to help them in their field of ministry. Come and receive a week of nourishment to help you so you in turn can help others.

Please share with those who work at your church or send your pastor.


instructor_chuck_hoffmanChuck Hoffman has passion for the spiritual in art. He finds inspiration in the transcending connection of art, prayer and faith regardless of a person’s cultural background or religious tradition. Time spent living on the peace line in Belfast, Northern Ireland confirmed for Chuck the healing power of art in forgiveness and reconciliation. Chuck, a painter, designer and workshop facilitator, received his MA from Luther Seminary and a BFA from Miami University and worked as an Associate Creative Director for the Walt Disney Company. He received the 2009-2010 Art & Innovation Fellowship Award from Luther Seminary and became their first full time Artist In Residence from 2009-2011. He was the 2010-2011 St. Paul Interfaith Merit Scholarship Recipient completing his Masters degree in May 2011.
pegcarlsonhoffmanPeg Carlson-Hoffman’s passion for art and faith includes designing worship spaces and experiential environments for others to engage the Holy. By creating cloths and banners for worship, she presents ancient symbols of the Christian church as that they come alive to a new generation of worshippers. Currently the Director of Retail Product Development for Hallmark Cards, Peg teaches workshops on calligraphy, design and creativity.

Need more info? Call Evelyn at 505.685.1001 or Angela at 505.685.1002.

Three ways to register:

  1. Download printable registration form and mail to: Ghost Ranch Registrar, HC77 Box 11, Abiquiu, NM 87510. OR scan and email your completed form to: [email protected]
  2. Register by telephone at 877-804-4678, extension 4152 or 4155 — available Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. MST.



Categories: Spirituality  |  The Arts  |  Workshops