Grief Support tor Loss of a Loved One

January 27, 2025 - March 10, 2025
Six Mondays on Zoom, beginning January 27 at 7pm.
There is no fee, but a donation of $120 to All Saints Anglican Church is suggested, if you can afford it. A tax receipt will be issued.

The loss of a loved one is one of life’s most difficult experiences. There is no right or wrong way to “do grief”. Nor is there a specific timeline to follow or on which to rely. Every individual is unique. Strength and insight can be gained as people share their personal reflections of this shared experience.

What can I expect?

The purpose of this group is to gether people together who have lost a loved one. Deacon Elizabeth Short creates an atmosphere of safety and confidentiality which allows you to share aspects of your grief.

To register, contact [email protected] or call 403-660-5636 to register and receive a Zoom link.