Finding Resilience through Poetry and Nature

October 4, 2020 - October 10, 2020
$775.00 - $1,540.00
280 Private Drive 1708
Per public health orders, only New Mexico residents or out of state visitors who have quarantined for 14 days may visit the ranch.
Explore writing poetry that draws inspiration from the land around us. Finding resiliency in nature we will create new work or edit and refine existing work. Working with the land as both healer and teacher, we will dive deeply into the resources of nature, jump-starting our writing and infusing our work with the powerful essence that abides in the elements of wood, water, air and fire. Together we will explore ways through the writing of poetry to inspire and strengthen emotional and spiritual resilience using the landscape of Ghost Ranch as our touchstone. We will use journal writing, in class writing prompts, and various writing exercises to inspire individual writing. There will be an opportunity for one on one sharing and feedback as well as class sharing of work. Throughout time healers have illuminated the relationship that exists between people and the land to connect with the healing power that is inherent in the earth to rekindle faith and hope in troubled times. Writers and artists have journeyed to the desert for time immemorial to plumb the depths of solitude to find inspiration for their work. Whether we are using writing exercises, sharing poetry from writers such as Mary Oliver, Linda Hogan or Joy Harjo, walking the Labyrinth, or hiking in the hills that surround Ghost Ranch, we will draw upon the power of poetry and nature to uncover new realms within to share with the world outside. We will ask ourselves what finding resiliency means to us on a personal and community level and how the creation of poetry coupled with mindful awareness of the power of nature can be a healing act that reconnects self to the larger world.
Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  The Arts