Entering the Bridal Chamber of the Heart: The Luminous Gospels of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, and Philip

Thursday, February 21 — Sunday, February 24, 2019
$425 (Scholarships available)
Continuing the Episcopal House of Prayer’s offerings of teachings from the Christian Contemplative Wisdom tradition, this 4-day (3-night) retreat will explore that tradition in depth. We will focus on the particular stream that flows through the Gospels of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, and Philip. These important, early Wisdom Gospels came to light in the mid-20th century and give us new insight into the development of early Christianity, the metaphysics undergirding Jesus’ teaching, and the apostolic authority of Mary Magdalene.
Taken together, they offer us a coherent and luminous map of the human journey from timelessness into time, and finally into conscious union — a journey that unfolds within what Jesus calls “the bridal chamber” of the human heart.
Come join us on the journey as we spend time held within a contemplative rhythm of silent prayer, teaching, chanting, lectio divina, and embodiment practice.
Click here to register.
The Reverend Matthew Wright returns to EHOP to lead his third retreat with us. He is a brilliant, joyful and exuberant young man and gifted retreat leader. Nurtured in the Christian contemplative Wisdom tradition of Cynthia Bourgeault, he is a well-known teacher for Northeast Wisdom and the Contemplative Society, non-profits dedicated to the renewal of the Christian Wisdom tradition. Matthew is an Episcopal priest who serves as priest-in-charge at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in Woodstock, NY. Matthew and his wife, Yanick, live alongside the brothers of Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, NY.
Check out Matthew’s blog