Emotional Intelligence and Human Relations Skills

June 13, 2016 - June 17, 2016
Offered by Five Oaks Centre
Paris ON

Emotional Intelligence and Human Relations Skills


Learning Together – Program offered in partnership with Emmanuel College Continuing Education, Oaten Institute of Five Oaks and Hamiliton Conference.

A week-long workshop at Five Oaks

With Patti Kenney and colleagues, EQHR Centre

Monday June 13 at 2:00 p.m. – Friday June 17at 1:00 p.m., 2016

This intensive 5-day programme is designed to enable participants to learn about, build and practice emotional intelligence skills inter-personally and in group settings. The content of the workshop will focus on the four areas of emotional intelligence as they promote more effective leadership. The event will provide opportunities for practical theological research and reflection on leadership and group process. Skilled facilitators provide tools and feedback to enable participants to learn about themselves and to immediately practice emerging skills.  The teaching methodology in this one-week intensive course is experiential learning in small groups of 10 to 14 people led by two experiential educators in each group. As group life unfolds, participants are offered feedback on the impact they have on others in the group.

As part of this course participants will complete an ESCI 360 Survey on emotional intelligence prior to the workshop. In addition to completing this survey, participants will identify up to 20 other people who are willing to complete the same survey on them. The detailed report of one’s Emotional Intelligence strengths and development needs is for the participant’s eyes only and will identify potential issues to be explored within their small group.


  • To improve the “EQ” (emotional intelligence) of participants in areas of the four components of intra and interpersonal skills as identified by each participant in response to their test scores and the information shared with them in groups.
  • To identify, articulate and reflect on various phenomena of group process, and to practice improving skills of effective participation in groups.
  • To grow in the ability to give and receive constructive behavioral information about self and others as leaders.
  • To be able to identify and reflect on the presence of God’s Spirit in group life and to recognize the redemptive possibilities in group life.
  • Patti Kenney is a United Church of Christ Pastor in Saline Michigan and is Program Development Co-ordinator for Sustaining Pastoral Excellence at a retreat centre in DeWitt, Michigan.

INFORMATION: Workshop fee $1600.00 includes the fee for the Emotional Intelligence Survey, tuition for the course and room and board at Five Oaks.  Two or more participants from one congregation receive a 15% discount as do registrations paid in full before       March 30, 2016.

Deadline for registration May 11, 2016.

For further information contact Betsy Anderson 416-813-4096 [email protected].

For a printable flyer for this program, click here.



Emotional Intelligence and Human Relations Skills

Start: Jun 13, 2016 @ 12:30 PM
End: Jun 17, 2016 @ 12:30 PM
Cost: $1600.00

Includes meals and accommodation.

Pleaste note that the retreat starts with lunch on Monday and ends with lunch on the Friday.

register for this event
Categories: Leadership  |  Personal Development  |  Workshops