Emotional Intelligence and Human Relation Skills

July 11, 2016 - July 15, 2016
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. PaulMN


Emotional Intelligence and Human Relation Skills

July 11-15, 2016 Leadership Credit

This workshop is an intensive, five-day session designed to enable participants to learn about, build and practice emotional intelligence skills in a small-group setting. Skilled facilitators provide tools and feedback to enable participants to learn about themselves and to immediately practice emerging skills. As group life unfolds, participants give and receive feedback regarding the impact they have on others in the group. Participants will learn both interpersonal and intra-group communication skills.

The primary emphasis of this workshop is leadership development. In “Primal Leadership,” Daniel Goleman writes, “The fundamental task of a leader is to prime good feelings in those they lead. That occurs when a leader creates resonance—a reservoir of positivity that frees the best in people. At its root the primal job of leadership is emotion. The power of emotionally intelligent leadership is to inspire, arouse passion and enthusiasm—and keep people motivated and committed.” This sounds like the traits of an effective church leader.

As part of this core event, workshop participants complete a comprehensive self-assessment of their emotional intelligence. They also identify up to 20 people who know them well and are willing to complete the same assessment in order to provide valuable feedback. Participants will receive a detailed, confidential report of their own emotional intelligence strengths and development needs. The content of the workshop revolves around the areas of emotional intelligence defined in the EQ reports.

These individual reports will provide items to be explored in one’s small group. Emotional Intelligence is the key to improving leadership effectiveness for faith-based leaders. Past participants have described this assessment and the EQ-HR workshop as a life-changing event.

EQ-HR 5-day Workshop outcomes:

  • Improved awareness of the concepts of emotional intelligence and the impact of emotional intelligence on the participant and all with whom he or she interacts
  • Enhanced ability to identify, articulate and reflect on various aspects of working and living in a faith community
  • Strengthened understanding of how one is impacted by others in a group and one’s own impact on the group
  • Increased skills in pastoral leadership for lay and clergy
  • Heightened awareness of the importance of constructive behavioral information about self and others as leaders
  • Enhanced awareness of the presence of God’s Spirit in group life and the ability to identify and reflect on that presence

Note: An additional fee of $195 is assessed for the EQ profile. The EQ staff will contact you directly for this payment. The $195 fee is not refundable once the profile has been scored.

Maximum Enrollment: 13

Graduate Credit: Available

Graduate Credit Advisor: Craig Koester, Academic Dean, Professor and Asher O. and Carrie Nasby Chair of New Testament

Tuition: $595

Contact Hours: 35

Class Times:

  • Monday, 2 – 9 p.m.
  • Tuesday – Thursday, 9 am – 9 pm
  • Friday, 9 am – 1 pm

Seminar Leaders:

Roy Oswald, Executive Director, The Center for Emotional Intelligence and Human Relations Skills

Register Online Now!

Categories: Leadership  |  Personal Development  |  Workshops