The work is framed by such questions as, “How can I maintain a strong connection between who I am and what I do?” “What practices will help me align my soul and my role?” ”When pulled in so many directions that I feel disconnected, how can I remember myself and stay connected to the heart of my vocation?” In large-group, small-group and solitary settings, we will share our inner journeys via personal story-telling, poetry and teaching from various wisdom traditions. The Clearness Committee discernment process welcomes our souls and deepens our skills to ask open and honest questions.
Registrants are asked to provide a ‘personal statement’ (no more than 600 words), in order to let facilitators know about the setting in which you do your work, your hopes for this retreat, and a question you may be holding. Facilitators will rely on statements to ensure that expectations are congruent with what is offered, and to prepare relevant retreat materials.
Educators, health practitioners, not-for-profit and business leaders, clergy, lay leaders, spiritual directors and students are among those who express deep appreciation for these retreats.
“The Courage work is hugely important in sustaining the work of so many of us who live to serve those around us.” Participant in 2013/14 Seasonal Series
“My experience of the Courage to Lead retreats has had a significant impact on both my personal and professional life. I am living my marriage differently and after 20 years. I now have found a way to be authentic and loving. My work has changed as I engage the world with more courage.” Participant in 2013/14 Seasonal Series
“I loved the regular call to authentic presence and our own inner voice.” Minister
“This was tremendous for me as I learned to link my therapeutic and spiritual paths. I have taken this work to my counselling times with people. I’ve also integrated it in my spirituality group and a book club.” Counsellor
Courage to Lead Retreat: A Seasonal Series
Summer: Living an Abundant Life – July 20-22, 2015 Program Cost $440
Fall: Discovering Seeds of True Self – November 2-4, 2015 Program Cost $440
Winter: A Time of Dormancy & Deep Growth – Feb 1-3, 2016 Program Cost $440
Spring: The Promise of Spring – May 9-11, 2016 Program Cost $440
Note: Acceptance to the program requires a commitment to all four retreats!
Program Cost: $440 (tuition, meals & accommodation in single rooms)
Local Price: $310 (without overnight)
We strive to make our programs as accessible as possible.
Please contact our Registrar to inquire about a bursary or payment plan.
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Brian Braganza
Brian Braganza is a Courage & Renewal® Facilitator and member of Tatamagouche Centre’s Program Resource Group. He works as an experiential educator specializing in personal development, youth engagement, community resiliency and sustainability. Brian led a Men’s Canoe retreat for 12 years and works with boys and men exploring positive masculinity. Brian’s own personal transformations and desire for uncovering his best self-led him to the work of Parker Palmer and the Centre for Courage and Renewal. Brian also leads wilderness experiences, grows organic vegetables and is a writer and musician.
Becky McKenna
Becky McKenna, Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator, is an experienced educator from elementary school touniversity settings, a spiritual guide and retreat director. As aneducator she takes great delight in the process by which people discoverinner wisdom and strive to live authentically. This approach has broughther to the Centre for Courage and Renewal and eventually led to herbecoming a Courage & Renewal® Facilitator. Becky is a sister of theCongregation of Notre Dame and most recently is engaged in a project of soil and soul in Three Brooks, Nova Scotia.