Construct: Forum on Youth Ministry

May 3, 2022 - May 5, 2022
May 3-5, 2022 (two full days and a half day on the 5th), Eastern Time
Standard Registration: $289 | Online Registration: $49USD

Our theme for the 2022 Forum event is “Construct.” Many of the foundations on which we’ve built our youth ministries have shifted beneath our feet. In the wake (or in the midst) of uncertainty, how is God leading us to construct resilient ministries with young people? What constructs still need to die or be torn down so that fresh frameworks can take shape? What are the tools required for such holy construction? We are aiming to cultivate conversations and collaborations that help leaders identify God’s vision and their resources for rebuilding creative, thoughtful, and justice-oriented ministry with young people.

From Donna Rourke, Youth Internship Program, Animator of Youth Ministry: “If you decide to attend, let me know…I would love for us to meet either in person or on Zoom to debrief the experience and talk about ways forward. We could meet as a diocese or perhaps meet with other from across Canada.” [email protected]