Compassionate Listening: Healing Our World from the Inside Out

October 20, 2017 - October 22, 2017

Compassionate Listening: Healing Our World from the Inside Out

Yael Petretti

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October 20, 2017 6:30 PM until October 22, 2017
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“I Can’t Talk to Him/Her!”
Do you have friends or family members who voted for the other candidate?  With whom you disagree about everything?
The suffering that we all feel due to the discord in our world is real and deep. We can dig ourselves out of this polarizing pain by learning the powerful, healing skill of listening and speaking from the heart with honesty and kindness, even in the heat of conflict.

The principles of Compassionate Listening apply to all human relationships, regardless of context. These include learning to suspend judgment, learning to cultivate compassion for others (and ourselves,) listening with our full attention and an open heart, and learning to speak in such a way that the other person can hear and empathize with what we are saying. This is not about “winning” arguments. Rather, this experiential workshop is designed, through exercises, meditations and group discussion, to help us humanize the “other.” Once we touch our common humanity, we can begin the work of reconciliation and forgiveness.

Participants often report they did not expect such a deeply personal, transformative experience, so to be clear – while this is a skill-building workshop, participants put the skills to use immediately where they are challenged the most. What participants receive from the workshop has everything to do with what they bring to the work – their personal needs and challenges. Together we create a trusting, loving circle and experience the heart-opening power of Compassionate Listening.

Yael Petretti lived in Jerusalem from 1978 through 2010. She trained hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians in Compassionate Listening. She has brought lessons learned back to the U.S. where she trains students, educators, therapists, clergy and others, making them a powerful force for peace and connection in their families, communities and beyond. She also serves as an Alternatives to Violence facilitator in men’s high security prisons.

Cost $400 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition

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