Charging Language with Meaning: a Poetry Workshop

July 12, 2019 - July 14, 2019
West Park, NY

Charging Language with Meaning: a Poetry Workshop

Led By: Br. John Forbis, OHC

Fee: $355 (Deposit: $100)

July 12- July 14, 2019

Limited to 10 participants.

Ezra Pound wrote, “Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree.”

Emily Dickinson wrote, “If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.”

In this workshop, we will endeavor to “take off the top of our heads” and allow our minds, hearts and souls wander where they want to go to find meaning.  Then, we will allow compassionately and lovingly that meaning to guide us and “charge” our language into whatever poetic form it wants to be.  Join us to write in a unique and conducive environment for poetry.


Br. John Forbis, OHC is an award-winning poet published in the US, UK and South Africa. He also teaches creative writing and poetry in workshops here at the monastery and in the area. His work with faith and poetry has been of great interest to him since he sees his monastic life as poetic and his poetic life as monastic. For him, they go hand-in-glove.



Categories: Communications  |  The Arts  |  Workshops