Led by: Kathryn McMorrow
Check in 3pm Monday through 1pm Friday
A gentle, personalized exploration of the nature and dynamics of change and the often difficult period of transition between what we have left or has been taken from us and where we are headed as a result. This includes the effects on our health, spiritual well-being, relationships, and sense of self as we move forward with our lives. Of interest to anyone who has experienced major changes that they are still working through or who is anticipating or planning a major change in their life.
Mornings will consist of opening prayer, mini-presentations, group work and personal reflection. Afternoons can be spent in quiet time or participating in optional, meditative and prayerful activities.
For more information or to decide if this retreat is appropriate for you at this time, email Kathryn at
Kathryn McMorrow has Masters Degrees in Clinical Psychology and in Religious Studies. She is also trained in Spiritual Direction and is a popular summer and winter guest presenter at Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre. Based in Montreal, Kathryn has done social justice work, giving workshops on spirituality, personal development, and the 12-Steps throughout the Americas, Australia, and South Africa in English, French and Spanish.