Apr. 16, 2018
Forty percent of church workers are burned out. And for many, it’s a chronic condition—workers stay burnt out for months or years. At this workshop, we’ll find out how burnout affects those in the church; we’ll discuss the social science research on how to prevent burnout; and we’ll identify individualized, unique strategies to build a resilient ministry.
Tuition: $45
Contact Hours: 3.5
Class Times:
8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Seminar Leaders:
Dr. Jim Ollhoff has been a director of Christian education, a martial arts studio owner, writer, and stay-at-home dad. He has also ran a publishing house and worked at Concordia University and Saint Mary’s University, teaching theology, education and social psychology. Jim is currently the Vice-President of Capstone Advancement Institute.