A Workshop for Women Writers of Color
Nov 4-8, 2018
If you are seeking financial assistance to participate in this program, please click on the link for our Financial Assistance Application form, below. Do NOT register online.
Photograph (c) Heratch Photography, Waltham, Mass.
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610-566-4507, ext. 137
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Welcome women of color writers! We can often find it a lonely and daunting experience as we seek to make our contributions in fields dominated by white men, whether in academia or other genres of fiction or non-fiction. Let us come together as women of color to share our writing work in progress, celebrate our diverse voices, confront our common barriers, and build a sisterly community of support for the challenges ahead. Led by a black feminist scholar-activist, this workshop offers strategies for writing alternative epistemologies into, against, and through the canon.
Melchor Hall is a faculty member in Fielding Graduate University’s School of Leadership Studies, where she teaches social science courses and supervises doctoral research. As a Visiting Scholar at Brandeis University’s Women’s Studies Research Center, she works at the intersection of art and activism. Through the Student-Scholar Partnership Program, Melchor and her Brandeis undergraduate partner created a series of events engaging “Black Bodies, White Spaces: Exploring Race, Gender, Art & Activism at the Margins.” As part of SisterMentors, Melchor joined with other women of color scholars sharing working drafts and supporting one another as they completed their doctoral dissertations. After participating in Spelman College’s summer institute on “Decolonizing Knowledge/Democratizing Knowledge,” Melchor is co-leading a workshop on “Decolonizing the Curriculum” for members of the Fielding Graduate University faculty.
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