A Distant Mirror with Richard LeSueur and Herbert O’Driscoll

July 10, 2016 - July 16, 2016
Offered by Sorrento Centre
Sorrento BC

Summer Week 1:

Sunday, July 10 – Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Distant Mirror

with Richard LeSueur and Herbert O’Driscoll


Those with any historical bent will be intrigued by this study of one of the most alluring figures of 1st century Christianity whose writings comprise no less than one third of the New Testament.

Of the thirteen letters attributed to Paul, seven are considered irrefutably authentic. These are the first great strokes on the canvas of faith – written even before there were gospels.

Contemporary Christianity in the West is discovering that it may have more in common with those formative rugged decades of an early fledgling Church than at any other time.

Join us in meeting Paul again. Consider his life, mission and his timeless message to a scattered church.


HERB O’DRISCOLL, like the character in Shakespeare’s As You Like It, increasingly “finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything”. In other words retirement is wonderful for the mind and the imagination, and particularly conducive to thinking up interesting courses for Sorrento!


RICHARD LeSUEUR has served for 36 years as an Anglican priest in Western and Central Canada and in the Diocese of Jerusalem. He is a former lecturer with St. George’s College, Jerusalem and continues to facilitate programs of biblical studies in the Middle East and as adjunct faculty with Trinity Divinity, Toronto. He is married to Rhonde.



Course fee: $310

To register for A Distant Mirror see here »

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Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Courses  |  Culture/Theology