2015 Canadian School of Peacebuilding

June 15, 2015 - June 26, 2015
Winnipeg MB


2015 Canadian School of Peacebuilding


SESSION I: June 15 – 19, 2015

Women and Peacebuilding

Instructors: Ouyporn Khuankaew and Ginger Norwood PCTS-3242/3

What contributions have women made to peacebuilding?  What challenges do women activists face?  What changes are needed from men to strengthen women’s voices?  How can feminism, nonviolence and spirituality help shape peace activists?  Ouyporn Khuankaew and Ginger Norwood will draw on their Engaged Buddhists roots and their work in Burma, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand as they work with participants to analyze women’s involvement in peace action, research and education.


Youth Voices and Peace Activism

Instructors: Richard McCutcheon and Brigette DePape PCTS–2950/3

What role do youth play in shaping movements for peace and social change?  What should we be learning from experiences like Idle No More, Arab Spring, Occupy Movement, WTO protests, and PowerShift Canada?  Come for an intergenerational conversation on the role of youth in peace movements.  Learn activist skills like storytelling, media, and creative nonviolent direct action.


Human Rights and Peace

Instructor: Clint Curle


Human rights concepts and practices have the potential to contribute to peace.  This course will examine how this potential is helped and impeded by governments, the UN, NGO’s, religious groups, corporations, and activists.  The course will also explore the ways international and regional human rights mechanisms work in practice and the use of these norms to legitimize armed conflict.


SESSION II: June 22 – 26, 2015


Train the Trainer: Working for Conflict Transformation

Instructor: Karen Ridd PCTS/BUSI-2190/3

This course is one of the most requested courses in the history of the CSOP and is designed to help participants bring about social change and improve their classroom teaching.  this interactive course will help participants create and implement interactive learning tools, increase their “menu” of training tools, hone their ability to facilitate discussions, enhance learning, and improve group dynamics.



Friendship and Peace: The Blackfoot Way

Instructor: Leroy Little Bear PCTS/POLS–2950/3

This course offers the opportunity to explore indigenous approaches to peace, justice, and friendship through the Blackfoot worldview, including the notions of constant flux, the relatedness of everything, and the relationship to land.  Leroy Little Bear will use a Blackfoot approach to dialogue on these issues.


The Justice of God: Questions of Justice in the Bible and the World

Instructor: Christopher Marshall

BTS/PCTS–3295/3 and BTS–5990C/3

Why is it easier to recognize injustice than justice?  Does justice need to be violent?  Can a compassionate and restorative justice serve the world?  What do Christians have to contribute to this discussion?  How can biblical teachings on the character of justice and the justice of God infuse this conversation? Christopher Marshall will join us from New Zealand to explore these questions.


Peace Psychology

Instructor: Daniel Christie PSYC/PCTS–2950/3

Peace psychology is an emerging field of theories and practice which promotes harmony and equity in relationships and systems.  This course offers the chance to examine patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions that can help transform conflict and prevent violence as well as grapple with problems of structural violence.  In this course, Daniel Christie will use a participatory approach that draws on the principles of harmony and equity in human relations.


Categories: Courses  |  Ethics  |  Social Justice