2014 Fall Term – Ottawa School of Theology & Spirituality

September 15, 2014 - November 24, 2014


Mondays, 15 September – 24 November 2014
(No class on Thanksgiving Monday, 13 October 2014)

7:30 pm to 8:20 pm

A.   Satan, Evil, Sin: What Can They Mean For Today?
Rev. Dr. Graeme Carruth, Navy Chaplain, former Dean of OSTS

“Satan,” “Evil,” and “Sin”: three words with so much accumulated baggage that many wonder whether they have a place in contemporary Christian expression. Can these ancient references still speak to us today? If so how? This class will explore these and other related questions, and will invite students to uncover their own answers.


B.  . Encounters on a Pilgrimage
Ted Penton, a pilgrim in spirit, mind and practice, former lecturer OSTS

You are invited to join a pilgrimage in the company of people who will challenge and enlighten us as we navigate the journey to a deeper understanding of and intimacy with God. Among those we will encounter are Jesus of Nazareth, Thomas Merton, Catherine Doherty, Dag Hammarskjold and the Jewish philosopher, Martin Buber.


C.   The Church and Community
Fr. Maxime Allard, O.P. , Dominican University College

The Church presents itself as a community and community-building is part of pastoral plans and evangelization. How are various models of community rooted in the Bible, in tradition, in “fantasy”, or in options adverse to the Gospel? What impact does this have on our understanding and experience of the Church?

8:40 pm to 9:30 pm

D.   The Church in Changing Times
Rev. Sharon Moon, Interim Minister, Consultant with Edge Network for Ministry Development in the United Church of Canada, author

What do we need to know to give leadership to the church in changing times? This course will look at both theory and practice through the lenses of several contemporary thinkers such as Diana Butler Bass and Otto Sharmer. Students will be exposed to tools that can be helpful in the congregational context for leading change.


E.  . Isaiah: God’s Poet Laureate
Rev. Stanley J.T. Hanna, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Aylmer

Woven into the tapestry of some of the most beautiful and insightful poetry of all time is Isaiah’s uncanny vision of a virgin birth, Messiah, suffering servant, age of redemption and peace. What is startling is his perspective – the future, it seems, is history!


F.  Christian Symbols and Their Origins
Dr. Vicki Bennett, trained in medieval and classical anthropology, principle researcher for an Historic Commission of Inquiry into a Cause for Canonization

Since the apostolic era symbols have been used to articulate complex ideas and to facilitate the collective expression of Christian belief. Join us in exploring how imagery was assimilated from ancient cultures and drawn into the rich and nuanced vocabulary of Christian symbolism.<

Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Courses  |  Culture/Theology