Self-image and self-awareness change and develop over time as we work the program and let go of beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that no longer serve us. They were often imposed by others and are now preventing us from moving forward with meaning and purpose in our lives. This is an opportunity to explore your strengths …
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Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees in Christian Perspective
There are more than 100 million refugees in the world today and the number is growing daily. It has never been more urgent for Christians to respond to this global crisis. This course offers an overview of the politics and ethics of refugees from a Christian theological point of view. Starting with a detailed survey …
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Tentmaking in the Canadian Church: possibilities for innovation and positive disruption
The landscape of the Canadian Church is shifting. What if that is actually a good thing? What if there are opportunities to disrupt unhealthy systems and move toward a future of increasing flourishing for leaders and congregations? One tool of disruption is to limit the influence of money on the ministry in Canada. Multivocational ministry …
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Loving and Respecting Yourself
Respecting and loving yourself does not make you conceited or self-centered. It is about achieving a deep sense of self-worth and self-love. It is about making the right decisions and taking the right steps when it comes to your life. This Workshop will guide you with tools on how to begin this process. We will …
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The Possibility of Age: Discover Aging as a Spiritual Path
Online with Barbara Richards Are you facing the uncharted post-career years, wondering what’s next? Many of us who are approaching the third chapter of life feel unsettled, restless, and adrift. We sense the years 55 to 80+ can be some of our best, but we don’t know how to navigate the changes that come with …
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The Gathering: Journeying Towards Pastoral Health
Leading churches in today’s shifting context demands a lot from pastors: fresh imagination, sensitivity to the Spirit, and resilience. The Gathering is an annual event for church leaders seeking to lead and nourish their communities in God’s mission. Through worship, prayer, preaching, dialogue, and recreation, we will attend to soul care amidst the beautiful surrounds …
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Encouragement Conference — Worship, Scripture, the Arts
We invite you to join us in beautiful Montreal from May 16-18!! A conference focused on your encouragement and renewal. Through scriptural teaching, vibrant worship, reflection in the arts, be encouraged and renewed for ministry. Rebekah Eklund Rebekah Eklund is associate professor of theology at Loyola University Maryland, where she teaches Scripture, theology, and ethics. …
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Treasures in Jars of Clay: A Retreat for Church Leaders
Do you sometimes feel like you are a lump of clay that is just spinning around on a potter’s wheel? Or like a clay jar that is broken and no longer useful? Do you feel the same way when it comes to the church? The Centre for Missional Leadership at St. Andrew’s Hall in Vancouver …
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Opening the Voice of Courage: A Circle of Trust® retreat to open Expression, Joy, and Connection
What would it be like to open your voice from the soles of your feet and the seat of your soul? What gifts does your voice hold for you and for the world? Your voice is the path for your truth to enter the world. Join us to discover new ways to speak, sing and …
View course details “Opening the Voice of Courage: A Circle of Trust® retreat to open Expression, Joy, and Connection”
Wellness in Practice
Join supportive community to practice a variety of joyful activities including the gathering and preparation of plant medicines, decolonized yoga, mindfulness, art, creative writing, and “earthing.” The purpose of all of these activities is to connect with Creation. There is a short pre-assignment on your own wellness strategies. Please wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes. …
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