In today’s increasingly polarized world, church leaders often find themselves at the crossroads of social, political, and cultural divides. This workshop is designed to equip church leaders with practical tools and strategies to foster open, respectful conversations within their faith communities. Participants will learn to create intentional spaces for dialogue, navigate difficult topics with grace, …
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The Leader’s Way Certificate Program
Berkeley Divinity School at Yale invites church leaders from all denominations to a pilgrimage for transforming ministry by re-imagining how ministry can meet the needs of our time. Leader’s Way Fellows are an extraordinary group of innovators and visionaries who seek to transform the world with the power of the Gospel. Fellows spend one week …
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The Christian Imagination
Imagination is the vital capacity to perceive and (re)conceive patterns of relation and possibility—and thus imagination is fundamental to the way the world is intelligible as a world. The overarching aim of this course is to explore and experiment with what Christian imaginations might be and how they might flourish. Given the life-encompassing scale of …
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Learning to Grieve – One Day at a Time
There’s an elephant in the room, and its name is grief. We don’t know how to grieve, and we don’t understand it. Grief is not a race or an event. Grief is a process and is a natural response to loss. Grief happens one step at a time, one day at a time. This Workshop …
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Anger Iceberg
Getting Angry is only the tip of the Iceberg. Anger is a secondary emotion. Understanding the cause of anger is the first step to managing it. This Workshop will identify the causes of anger and explore our own beliefs and patterns of response. Learn how to respond to anger on a day-to-day basis in a …
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Sober October
Join the Rev. Erin Jean Warde in a 5-week study of her book, Sober Spirituality: The Joy of a Mindful Relationship with Alcohol. In this course, you’ll explore how alcohol affects us in mind, body, and soul, such that you will be encouraged to get prayerfully curious about how drinking shows up in your life, …
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Beyond Culture Wars Fostering Solidarity in an Age of Polarization Conference
Martin Luther University College and the Institute for Christian Studies will present the conference, “Beyond Culture Wars: Fostering Solidarity in an Age of Polarization.” Hosted at the campus of Martin Luther University College (Wilfrid Laurier University), this event will be an education and discussion forum for faith communities, and for the larger public, to counter …
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Aging Gracefully
We often think of aging gracefully as “looking old, but still holding on” or “showing signs of aging, but still moving forward with life.” Aging gracefully is not all about age or appearance, but also about the attitude we have as we go through the various stages of life. Explore how our feelings about aging …
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The Dance of Truth; Family Storytelling
We gather together to connect. In our interwoven online world – we sit still for long periods. Our bodies are meant to move, to connect; face to face, eye to eye, and heart to heart. Perhaps that is where we can find our true selves. A poet, dancer, and visual artist, Karen Gummo has been performing …
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Rhythms of Missional Spirituality
This course will help leaders learn from the past, be aware of the present and plan for the future. The course will explore ancient truths that have helped guide Christians for the past two thousand years and introduce new concepts from leadership science. Most importantly, all of the learning will be practical and will enhance …
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