Mental Health and Conflict in Faith Communities–ONLINE

Facilitator: Marg Van Herk-Paradis As the awareness of mental health challenges grows in the church, church leaders require skills and tools to navigate the intersection between mental health and conflict. This two-morning workshop addresses such questions as, “How does mental health impact how we approach conflict?” and “What strategies and tools can be deployed when …
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Understanding Conflict Foundations–ONLINE

Facilitator: Marg Van Herk-Paradis or Betty Pries This highly interactive and educational workshop invites you to consider the building blocks that create conflict and those that assist or detract in conflict’s resolution. This four-morning workshop includes reflection, conversation, and exercises as conflicts are studied and models for addressing conflicts are considered. Significant time will be …
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What Love Requires: Heart-Opening Practices for Mindful Awareness, Peace, and Compassionate Action

A New Year’s Retreat Online with Valerie Brown Exhale deeply and savor this very special time of year with a retreat designed to reset your body, mind, and spirit with practices that you can apply in your daily life.  This retreat includes mindfulness meditation, small and large group discussion, periods of rest and renewal designed …
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Anticipating Gratitude: Living Our Thanks in Advent Q&A with Diana Butler Bass

We often think of gratitude as thanks for something after it happens. But what does it mean to live a life of thanks in anticipation of our deepest hopes and longings? Advent invites us into this holiness practice. Online presentation and Q&A with Diana Butler Bass, award-winning author, popular speaker, inspiring preacher, and one of …
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