Composing Your Spiritual Memoir

Everyone inherits hurts, secrets, and strengths. We all hold stories of family, faith, failure, and forgiveness. Everyone has a book in them. It’s called a memoir. Memoirs, like libraries, are a collection of tales. The more generously libraries lend their treasures, the more they become themselves. Libraries don’t produce stories to sell; they offer quiet …
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Christian Mindfulness and Pandemic Life

This course provides an introduction to mindfulness within a Christian perspective, applying the practice to the context of the Covid-10 pandemic and other current events. Participants will be expected to engage in reading, writing, discussion, and mindfulness practice. INSTRUCTED BY: Irene Kraegel, Director, Center for Counseling and Wellness, Calvin University | Author, The Mindful Christian …
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Frame Your Coaching

Are you ready to take your coaching to the next level? Coaching begins with training, but it doesn’t stop there. Gathering information is good and gaining skills is necessary. Ultimately, that work creates the foundation for what comes next: empowering actual clients to embrace growth and overcome obstacles. The difference between good coaches and great …
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The Sacred Side Hustle: Embracing Your Multivocational Calling

The unique calling of a multivocational minister can be a lonely place, but you are not alone. Join us on December 9-11, 2021 for an online interactive conference about Multivocational Calling. Jared Siebert Jared Siebert currently serves as the National Director for Church Development for the Free Methodist Church in Canada and author of Gutsy: …
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Festival of Homiletics 2022: After the Storm: Preaching and Trauma

Preaching After the Storm Preachers, we are confronting a collective trauma and we have yet to realize fully its global, national, ecclesial, and individual effects. There’s no going back to life before the storm. So what does our preaching need to be and do going forward? If COVID-19 has taught us anything homiletically, it’s that …
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List of Courses and Programs

This page should have the list of currently available offerings, both courses in person and downloadable series.  

Understanding, Exploring, & Managing Bias and Burnout: Via Webcast | A SELF-GUIDED COURSE

You like to be productive, so you’ve learned to stay busy. It’s nice to feel needed, so you never say “no.” Your job is to care for everyone, so you neglect your own well-being. Until you can’t. Burnout makes it hard to manage much of anything well, and that includes our built-in biases and default …
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