August 20-24, 2012 Story is the heart of language. It can emotionally move us to love and hate and can motivate us to change our whole lives. We can capture a story in a novel, a memoir, a screenplay, a poem. But, finally, we make choices about what story to write and what medium to …
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Photography: A Language of Faith
August 20-24, 2012 This program is being offered as a part of our Week of Creativity where four arts-based programs are being held at the same time. Our days will be framed by gathering in community with those from the other arts programs for reflection and worship. On Thursday evening we will gather for a …
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Painting: Blooming & Growing
August 20-24, 2012. Unfurling leaves, muscular branches, luminous flowers: growing things offer rewarding challenges for painters! This richness goes beyond techniques, to touch on themes of growth and rootedness, decay and flowering. This course empowers students to learn techniques and processes while exploring symbolism and metaphor. Technical demos, art historical mind-openers, and outdoor image quests …
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Introduction to Spiritual Guidance Traditions
Mon, Sep 24, 2012 to Mon, Nov 12, 2012 The Rev. Dan Prechtel DMin. Registration Deadline: Thu, Sep 20, 2012 CEUs: 2 We live in a time when many people are seeking spiritual guidance from a wide range of sources. This course will provide a forum for exploring major historical developments in Christian practices of …
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Embracing the Dark Night
MARIA PAPACOSTAKI Nov 30-Dec 2, 2012 Fri 6:30 dinner thru Sun lunch Cost $355 Adrienne Rich wrote: “[m]erely pause and listen to my own pulse vibrating, lightly as falling snow, relentlessly as the rain storm, and hear what it has been saying.” Life’s hardest grief can be the greatest gift, when you know how to …
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Yoga and Spirituality
LAURICE NEMETZ Nov 2-4, 2012 Fri 6:30 dinner thru Sun lunch Program $400 Come to Kirkridge for our fifth year of this special program combining yoga and spirituality! For thousands of years, yoga has been a means to obtain a higher level of spiritual understanding. As such, it can be complementary to one’’s own religious …
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A Christian Spirituality for the 21st Century
MICHAEL MORWOOD Oct 16-18, 2012 Tues 6:30 dinner thru Thurs lunch Cost $345 Our starting point will be contemporary data about our universe and the observable patterns of operation throughout the universe. We will use this starting point to consider, in a new light, who or what we mean by “God”, our relationship with this …
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Science, Spirituality, and Healing
BROTHER BERNARD SEIF Sept 28-30, 2012 Fri 6:30 dinner thru Sun lunch Cost $355 Many people attend weekends like this one, called “Science, Spirituality, and Healing,” because they would like time to slow down and be present to the Sacred. Others long to ponder the deeper realities of God by gathering new information and discuss …
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Open Heart, Peaceful Mind: A Retreat for Rest and Reflection
Reconnect your mind, body, and spirit by learning about and experiencing a combination of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and hypnosis. Focus on reestablishing and maintaining the flow of energy along 12 principal meridians. Learn how to access this energy through acupressure of specific points along these channels and how hypnosis can increase that energy flow. …
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Nurturing New Life
In a contemplative and creative setting, feed the inner life that is taking form. As we gather in the darkness of winter, we sense God’s eternal Light. Sinking into the silence and listening to the still small voice within, we will nourish and give expression to what is growing within us through art, poetry, journaling, …
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