Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats: The Group Leaders Program

Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats: The Group Leaders Program Overview “The ultimate leader of the group is God’s Holy Spirit blowing through us… If people come ready to be vulnerable to God’s life in them and the world, if they desire more than fear God’s call to deepening …
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Clergy Spiritual Life And Leadership: Going Deeper

Clergy Spiritual Life & Leadership: Going Deeper Overview An Ecumenical Program to Nurture the Spiritual Heart and Leadership of Clergy in Congregations Today a serious concern for spiritual life and leadership across all denominational boundaries is re-forming our understanding of personal spiritual life, of leadership, and the church. Many clergy living in the midst of …
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Spiritual Guidance Program: Nurturing the Call

Spiritual Guidance Program: Nurturing the Call Overview An ecumenical, experiential spiritual formation program to strengthen the ministry of one-to-one spiritual direction The Shalem Spiritual Guidance Program is designed to nurture the spiritual heart of those called to the ministry of “holy listening,” known as spiritual direction, spiritual guidance, or spiritual companionship. Begun in 1978, this …
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Shalem Institute Pilgrimages

Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation Pilgrimages “Happy are the people whose strength is in You! whose hearts are set on the pilgrims’ way.” Psalm 84:4 Since 1989 Shalem has offered pilgrimages to sacred sites, in the United States and overseas, that have the potential of showing us something more of God’s hope and prayer for …
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Associates Program (SSJD)

Associates Program (SSJD) Associates are men and women who wish to live out their baptismal covenant by following a Rule of Life in association with the Sisters of St. John the Divine, and by sharing in our ministry. Our first Associates were members of the group who founded the Sisterhood. There is a relationship of …
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Anglican Domain (The)

The Anglican Domain This web site is for the Anglican (Episcopal) Church around the world. Its purpose is to help us Anglicans and Episcopalians communicate with each other more easily, and to help everyone learn about our church. This Anglican Domain web site is not official in any way. It is produced and sponsored by …
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The Atlantic Jubilee Program: Spiritual Guidance and Spiritual Deepening

Spiritual Guidance and Spiritual Deepening The Atlantic Jubilee Program Web Site at: http://www.atlanticspiritualguidance.org New Cycle: 2005 – 2008 Sponsored By: Tatamagouche Centre Seton Spirituality Centre Jubilee Associates “Yours I am, for you I was born, what do you want of me? – Teresa of Avila New Relationship The Atlantic Jubilee Program in Spiritual Guidance and …
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Three-Day Renewal Program

Davidson Clergy Center DCC’S MISSION The Center’s mission is to be a national and regional center Where spiritual leaders can find: RENEWAL By providing clergy and church professionals access to spiritual, mental health, and health services to avoid vocational burnout and nourish personal wholeness. RECOMMITMENT For those who have given lives of service but feel …
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