Associates Program (SSJD)

January 1, 1970

Associates Program (SSJD)

Associates are men and women who wish to live out their baptismal covenant by following a Rule of Life in association with the Sisters of St. John the Divine, and by sharing in our ministry.
Our first Associates were members of the group who founded the Sisterhood. There is a relationship of mutual support between the Sisterhood and our Associates.

The Rule for All Associates

1. To familiarize themselves with the principles of the Religious Life, and with the life and work of the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine.

2. To share in Eucharistic worship when possible and on Great Holy Days, and to offer the Holy Eucharist with special intention for the community at least on the Feast of St. John (May 6th); the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 8th—the Foundation Day of the Community); and St. John the Evangelist (December 27th).

3. To include in one’s daily intercessory prayer the Community and Associates.

4. To seek to grow in prayer, for renewal of life in Christ, by spending time daily in meditative or contemplative prayer.

5. To make a place in life for regular self-denial and self-discipline and to use Sacramental Confession when it is helpful.

6. To read some portion of Holy Scripture daily, and regularly to read books helpful to growth in the Christian life.

7. To make an annual retreat of at least two days whenever possible; otherwise to participate in two or more Quiet Days annually.

8. If called upon, to be willing to help the Community, and to minister in a pastoral way to Associates living in their vicinity.

9. To report yearly to their Director of Associates within the month of the anniversary of their Admission as to the value of the keeping of this Rule.

For more information please visit the website.

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