Five-Day Comprehensive Renewal Program

January 1, 1970

Davidson Clergy Center


The Center’s mission is to be a national and regional center

Where spiritual leaders can find:


By providing clergy and church professionals access to spiritual, mental health, and health services to avoid vocational burnout and nourish personal wholeness.


For those who have given lives of service but feel they are no longer supported in their work and may be questioning their calls to ministry.


For clergy and church professionals who are experiencing a stressful situation in their ministry.

Five-Day Comprehensive Renewal Program

The Five-Day Renewal Program begins Monday morning and ends mid-afternoon Friday.Individual and group consultations, morning or afternoon prayer, and physical training are scheduled each day from approximately 8:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., with appropriate breaks.

Clients arrive in Davidson Sunday evening or Monday morning depending on their schedules, travel arrangements, and proximity.

During the week, clients visit the nearby Carolinas Medical Center Clinic at the Lake Norman YMCA for physical testing and blood work. To receive accurate results, participants need to fast 12 hours before these assessments. A Registered Nurse will describe and interpret the physical tests.

Our physical medical director, a Board Certified M.D., will give each participant a comprehensive physical, including blood pressure, patient history, and ear, eye, nose, throat, heart/lung, and abdominal examinations.

A personal trainer is then assigned to chart goals and begin guiding clients through fitness regimens specifically designed for their physical profile.

Each day, clients will meet with counselors in individual consultations. During the first session, the counselor works with the client to assess mental health and begin developing short- and long-term goals. Following consultations build on this assessment. The counselor guides and helps one become aware of thoughts and behaviors to initiate positive changes.

Group consultations build on individual sessions with discussions on:

How one’s spiritual life is connected to family and personal history and how it guides relationships in making personal and professional decisions;

How faith develops with one’s current ministry and possibly prior service;

Developing the necessary spiritual disciplines so participants have the tools to continue developing their faith, and

Development of incremental goals for personal, professional, and spiritual formation.

(Each Five-Day Program is limited to six individuals)

On Friday, the participant’s individual counselor will integrate the week’s program to help the client form a personal five-year plan. A goal setting session is also scheduled with the personal trainer to focus on continued physical fitness.

For more information please visit the website.

Categories: Personal Development  |  Programs  |  Spirituality