Christian leaders across Canada are struggling with how to navigate increasingly polarized conversations with their congregations, families and friends. How do we as Jesus followers converse with divergent viewpoints and engage in active listening with a Christlike posture? What skills do we as leaders need to acquire to tackle tough conversations? What parts of our …
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HOW SHALL WE FORGIVE? Re-discovering The Way Through
An Eastertide Series with Archbishop David and Archbishop Mark MacDonald April 19: Creation and the Fall (the human offence) and its effects April 26: God’s answer in Christ, His Atonement, and the effects of the Resurrection May 3: The new life and a different perspective: the offender, not just the offended, seeks reconciliation May 10: …
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Dialogue as Spiritual Practice by Christine Luna Munger
Join Christine Luna Munger for this four-part experiential, skill-based teaching series based on her work with Contemplative Dialogue. This workshop responds to folks’ desires to learn how to engage one another in civil dialogue; this workshop responds to the need for practical, concrete tools and postures which support meaningful engagement with others. Through a framework …
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Fierce Biblical Women Speak Power Today
Audre Lorde said, “When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” In the Hebrew and Christian Bible, many women – sometimes nameless and often forgotten – use their strength to challenge systems and claim justice. Whether …
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Current ContEd Course List: Virginia Theological Seminary
This page should show all currently available courses
Prepare/Enrich: Online Training in Marriage Preparation
PREPARE/ENRICH is one of the most widely used tools for working with couples preparing for marriage and married couples wanting to improve their relationships. In addition to learning about the different types of couples, participants will learn how to provide feedback to couples on their strength and growth areas, their couple and family maps and …
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Small Group Ministry: Leadership Development for Facilitators. How to create and maintain small groups
Now more than ever, small groups are a cornerstone of the church. In the first few hundred years of the church, small groups were the way in which the church gathered and disciples were formed. People would meet in homes for fellowship, share how they connected scripture to their lives, and grow spiritually with one …
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Multivocational Ministry Toolkit
Ministry contexts in Canada are complex and changing. There are many ministers who are creatively combining several roles within a complex vocational calling that includes ministry beyond the congregational setting or vocations other than pastoral ministry. The Canadian Multivocational Ministry Project conducted research with people ministering in these contexts, and we are happy to share …
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Flourishing as the Canadian Church
What does it look like for congregations here in Canada to flourish? How do you identify transformation, define what it means for a community of faith and look for continued indicators of health and effectiveness? Using Canadian-based social science research from over 250 Canadian Catholic, mainline, and conservative Protestant congregations (including over 9100 congregants), the …
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Introduction to Pastoral Care
Illness is a crisis that isolates us, scares us and makes us very vulnerable. How can we care for one another in Christian community when illness strikes? In this course we’ll share experiences of care (or lack of care) during sickness. We will discuss a pastoral caregiver’s role in direct care and in coaching congregational …
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