White Too Long: Confronting the Theology and Practice of White Supremacy

This course is a probing and critical inquiry into the theology and practice of White Supremacy within American Christianity. We will explore the roots of that theology and practice in Christian history and reckon squarely with the legacy of the perspective of what Martin King, Jr. called the “White Moderate,” which is so prominent within …
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Greening the Creed in Epiphany

Is caring for earth something for tree-huggers and environmentalists?  Or is it something deeply woven into Christian faith? This class taking place during Epiphany looks at the Apostles Creed as a spiritual resource – and as an inspiration to care for the earth.  This class offers an opportunity for everyday Christians to dig deeper into …
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Priest Certificate Program

For a comprehensive list of the competencies developed in our Priest Track curriculum, click here. Curriculum – Priest Track One of the special gifts of the Stevenson School is its ability to support you in the path towards priesthood without assuming that you are going to leave full-time employment or relocate to a traditional seminary.  …
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Transforming Power, Prejudice and Privilege: Building equitable, diverse and inclusive communities and organizations

This workshop is being delivered online Recognizing that our social structures and personal biases can get in the way of commitment to respecting our colleagues and community members,  this interactive workshop will engage themes of prejudice, power and privilege in a manner that honours all voices in the room while also challenging the biases and …
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Course Schedule: Acadia Divinity College

This link should list all of the courses currently scheduled at the College. Approximately half of them appear to be available online as of April, 2022.    

Reading and Tutorial program

A distance-education program that offers theological education to prepare people for ministry in a local context. Our Reading and Tutorial program makes theological education available to people preparing for ministry who are unable to relocate to Montreal. It is designed to provide students a basic introduction to the fundamentals of the Christian tradition and prepare …
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Bi-Vocational Ministry: An Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Gigs, and Side Hustles

Sometimes the questions interrupt you in the middle of the day. Other times they keep you up at night. You wonder if you’re using all of your gifts or skills. Maybe you worry that you’ve plateaued. There’s a restlessness that’s hard to shake—a need to get unstuck, and now. For a growing number of faith …
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