The Rev. Dr. Steven Tighe | June 8 & 9 | $100 Reaching and engaging young people is as difficult for the Church as dealing with teenagers is in most families! In this course we’ll be examining the root causes of these difficulties — developmental, missiological, cultural and theological — and thinking through ways that …
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2-Day Introduction to Anglican Way of Theology
The Rev. Joseph Lawrence | June 8 & 9 | $100 Many of the abiding features of Anglicanism–such as its early embrace of a Reformation soteriology, its emphasis on beauty and order in worship, its strongly historical and ecclesial imagination, and its insistence on corporately discerning Holy Scripture as God’s Word–all of these features were …
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2-Day Course: Introduction to Anglican Canon Law
The Rev. Canon Phil Ashey | June 8 & 9 | $100 What are the biblical, theological, historical and juridical principles that have shaped, and continue to shape, the way Anglicans in North America govern themselves at every level of the Church? This seminar will offer a critical appraisal of the constitution and canons of …
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2-Day Introduction: Ten Words of Life
The Rev. Georgette Forney & The Rev. Dr. W. Ross Blackburn | June 1 & 2 | $100 The Old Testament Law was both a blessing to the people of God and the chief means of their witness to the nations. Two-day students will be introduced to Old Testament Law and it’s role in the …
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2-Day Introduction: The Book of Revelation
An introduction to reading the book of Revelation and a careful walk through chapters 1-3. Come ready to read the book of Revelation in ways that you probably won’t hear from your local TV evangelist. Grant LeMarquand, Th.D (New Testament) Wycliffe College, Toronto, is Professor of Mission, Director of the Stanway Institute for Mission and …
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Bad Boys and Girls in the Old Testament
One of the reasons that the Old Testament has such appeal is that it contains racy stories of prostitutes, murderers, liars, and conniving and evil queens and kings. Some biblical bad boys and bad girls were wicked to the core, some were wicked for a time, and others made one mistake that changed the course …
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The Soul of Aging: A Courage & Renewal
The Soul of Aging is a four-day institute for those who have experienced one or more Courage & Renewal programs and want to lead a small group, based on the Circle of Trust® approach, in their congregation or community that addresses the spiritual dimensions of aging. “Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful …
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2020 Summer Courses – The University of the South – Sewanee
Baptism and Confirmation: Patterns and Practices Anthropologists tell us that rites of initiation provide a window into the core beliefs and symbols of a culture. This course will examine the history, theology, and present practice of Christian baptism, as well as its derivative, confirmation. By considering the development of these rites, we will point towards …
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Fundamental questions that arise in the search for meaning in our world today: how do I find a sense a sense of personal identity and worth, belonging and purpose? Some issues that arise: the new technologies and their impact; isolation, loneliness, and the need for community; gender identity and roles; the need for compassion and …
Preaching in the Anglican Tradition
The upcoming week of “J-term” classes in early January at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology will include a course taught by Episcopal clergy, including the former presiding bishop and primate of The Episcopal Church, the Right Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori. In addition to Candler students, the course is open to members of the public …
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