Course Overview This course will introduce clergy and faith leaders to the concepts of Bowen Family Systems Theory, to begin thinking about their own role and function within their family as well as their role within their faith communities. Participants interested in a package of 3 individual coaching sessions in addition to this course can contact …
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Reimagining Church
The course is for anyone eager and willing to explore Christian faith in a fresh way that is at the same time ancient and yet relevant to today’s world. Are you frustrated by the decline in church attendance and ministry participation at your parish? Perhaps you’re hearing the buzz around terms like “missional church,” “discipleship,” …
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Changing Church: Missional Practices and/for Beloved Community
What does it mean to lead during a time of religious, sociocultural, and environmental upheaval? What can churches do differently to better reflect and nurture gospel values and God’s dream of a just, reconciled, Spirit-filled world? This course in missional leadership will ask these and related questions. We will explore concepts and experience practices of …
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2024 VITAL CHURCH MARITIMES CONFERENCE is set for May 9 to May 11, in Truro, NS. A Zoom option will also be available. Watch for more information about our keynote speaker and special Early Bird rates. Registration opens in mid-January.
Co-Creating Plausible Futures for the Canadian Church
Balancing the Past, Present and Future As the church navigates the complexities of post-Christendom Canada, we know that people are seeing the trends in Canada that point to hopeful futures. We invite you to join this first symposium in the new series Conversations in the Canadian Church as we explore these hopeful themes. This event …
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Leading The Church Through Transformation, Change and Renewal
This workshop is suitable for anyone involved in a leadership role in a congregation, and is not limited to pastoral staff, in fact bringing some key lay leaders may be beneficial to some congregations. Frequently we hear that people resist change. Does this have to be true? Could we find ways of engaging change, transformation and …
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Ministry from the Inside Out
“The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener.” (William O’Brien) Is this true? If it is, it could be read to say, “The success of a church depends on the interior condition of its leadership.” How are we as leaders (whether paid or lay) – attending to our interior journeys of faith, …
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Foundations of Christian Leadership
Overview A Learning Community Do you care about the church in the world and want to build skills to lead Christian-inspired projects with joy and creativity? Foundations of Christian Leadership brings together emerging leaders from a variety of faith-based organizations as colleagues in an encouraging and collaborative learning environment. The program includes two four-day gatherings. …
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Looking Forward: Church, Hope, and the Future of Congregations
What is the future of small congregations (the fastest growing segment of North American Christianity)? Join us for lectures, workshops, worship, and conversations that will inspire your leadership; and receive practical, usable wisdom for giving your congregation a future. This year’s keynoter Will Willimon has been listening to pastors and congregations in hundreds of American churches and has a hopeful, Christ-centered word …
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Leading Adaptively,
Leading Adaptively, led by priest, researcher and revitalist Clara King, is open to lay leaders and clergy from any denomination. This 3-session Zoom course helps participants discover new ways to lead adaptively with skills they already have. You’ll encounter the core theory of Adaptive Leadership in a vibrant new way and come away with usable …
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