Are you planning to change, grow or add a ministry? A Theory of Change is your ministry’s story of how you believe change will unfold. June 12th to August 3rd What impact are you having? How do you know? What difference is your ministry or program making? Learn what your mission is and understand the …
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Conference: Looking Forward: Church, Hope, and the Future of Congregations
What is the future of small congregations (the fastest growing segment of North American Christianity)? Join us for two days of lectures, workshops, worship, and conversations that will inspire your leadership; and receive practical, usable wisdom for giving your congregation a future. This year’s keynoter Will Willimon has been listening to pastors and congregations in hundreds of American churches and has a …
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Transforming Group Dynamics
Group dynamics are complex at best! When groups fall into high conflict, they tend to require an intentional multi-pronged intervention. This interactive and engaging workshop considers issues common to both group dynamics and high conflict groups. Multiple strategies for addressing these complex issues will be considered, including: assessing high conflict groups navigating group dynamics building …
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Leading Healthy and Effective Churches
This study of principles and practice for effective leadership will focus on ways to lead congregations in rural, small-town, and urban settings. Students will learn about a variety of local church models and congregational dynamics. Effective local church pastors and leaders will provide input and answer questions about their ministries. Students will be taught how …
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Resourcing Churches for Ministering Well in This Next Season
Hosted by the Flourishing Congregations Institute, join researchers and church leaders across theological contexts and Canadian regions for Canadian data, theological reflection, and practical application on themes related to volunteers, finances, attendance, and more. If you are attending in person and require accommodations, we have a block of rooms available at Sandman Hotel & Suites …
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What Next for the Church?
The Covid pandemic has raised new questions about the future of Christian ministry in a changing world. This interactive one-day conference is an opportunity to explore strategies for adaptive change in a new environment. The focus will be on connecting congregations with their local contexts, building inter-cultural community, and responding to ministry environments marked by …
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Changing Church: Missional Practices and/for Beloved Community
What does it mean to lead during a time of religious, sociocultural, and environmental upheaval? What can churches do differently to better reflect and nurture gospel values and God’s dream of a just, reconciled, Spirit-filled world? This course in missional leadership will ask these and related questions. We will explore concepts and experience practices of …
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Leading The Church Through Transformation, Change and Renewal–ONLINE
Facilitators: Betty Pries This workshop is suitable for anyone involved in a leadership role in a congregation and is not limited to pastoral staff, in fact bringing some key lay leaders may be beneficial to some congregations. Frequently we hear that people resist change. Does this have to be true? Could we find ways of …
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Conflict Coaching Skills
Facilitator: Betty Pries There is no greater satisfaction than to see another person flourish and to know that one’s presence has helped a person come to this place. While conflict can cause people to struggle, a conflict coach partners with those in a conflict, empowering them to be at their best, to engage their conflict well, …
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Understanding Conflict Advanced
Facilitator: Betty Pries This workshop uses the two lenses of conflict drivers and conflict paradoxes and considers seemingly intractable conflicts and their transformation. Questions for consideration include the nature of intractability, de-escalation strategies, transforming intractable conflicts, and engaging emotions. This workshop builds on Understanding Conflict: Foundations. It is highly interactive, insightful, engaging, and critical for all …
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