Foundations of Christian Leadership

November 6, 2023 - February 1, 2024
Session dates in San Antonio, TX: November 6-9, 2023 and January 29-February 1, 2024
$150USD (and apply for a $5000 grant)
San AntonioTX


A Learning Community

Do you care about the church in the world and want to build skills to lead Christian-inspired projects with joy and creativity?

Foundations of Christian Leadership brings together emerging leaders from a variety of faith-based organizations as colleagues in an encouraging and collaborative learning environment.

The program includes two four-day gatherings. Thanks to the generous support of the Lilly Endowment Inc., participants are only responsible for a $150 registration fee and will have the opportunity to apply for a $5,000 grant to support innovative approaches within his or her institution.

Ideal applicants are those who have been in a leadership position in a Christian institution for fewer than five years. If leaders with more than five years’ experience apply, they should be working on new projects or have an expanded scope of responsibility and be seeking ways to sustain key activities over time. Learn more about who should attend Foundations.

Program Objectives

Participants will…

  • Form a learning community rooted in Christian practices
  • Refine a vision of thriving communities that includes the work of Christian institutions
  • Learn how to assess the context in which they are serving and appropriately plan for the future
  • Hone skills in organizational leadership and theological reflection
  • Explore the concepts of traditioned innovationtransformative leadership and vibrant institutions as the underpinnings of effective Christian leadership

To learn more about the program and whether it’s right for you, please use the menu to explore details of this program. You may also nominate a colleague.

Join us!

Foundations of Christian Leadership is offered twice a year in varying locations. Visit Dates & Locations to learn more about upcoming cohorts, Who Should Attend for participant criteria and How to Apply for more information on the application process.