VST Current Course Listings

Many of the courses in this list are both online and in-person. Unfortunately, there is not a simple way to list all of the online courses.  

Introduction to Koine Greek

This course gives students a working knowledge of New Testament Greek to assist their study of the New Testament for the sake of Christian teaching and preaching. This 10-week course will be taught by Collin Cornell on Monday nights from 8:30-9:30PM, starting on May 24. This course will be conducted weekly on Zoom. Class materials …
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Master of Theological Studies

We are excited to announce that the faculty has just approved a new Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degree, which will replace our current MA(TS) degree program. The new MTS program builds on our historic strengths, while offering more focus and more flexibility. We’re taking this degree to the next level so that we can equip …
View course details “Master of Theological Studies”

Courses for Spring and Summer Sessions, 2022

This page has a full listing of all the courses Regent is offering during their Spring and Summer Sessions. All are expected to be available online, unless there is a travel component. The ones that are of particular interest for Continuing Education are also listed in this database.